• Cooling Body Oil

Cooling Body Oil

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This cooling massage oil helps remove excess heat in tissues and joints, and brings relief to the body and mind.

To use: As is possible, warm the bottle in hot water, then massage oil into your body, starting with face, ears, and neck, always working towards your heart. When massaging arms and legs, use a circular motion around the joints and a back-and-forth motion on the muscles.

Organic Ingredients: Cocos Nucifera (Coconut Oil), Emblica Officinalis Powder (Amalaki Fruit), Azadirachta Indica Powder (Neem Leaf), Phyllanthus Niruri Powder (Bhumyamalaki Leaf), Rubia Cordifolia Powder (Manjistha Root ), Picrorhiza Kurroa Powder (Kutki Root), Boerhavia Diffusa Powder (Punarnava Root), Pterocarpus Santalinus Powder (Red Sandalwood Bark), Rosa Damascena Powder (Pink Rose Flower),Coriandrum Sativum Powder (Coriander Seed), Ocimum Sanctum Powder (Tulsi Leaf), Chrysopogon Zizanioides Powder (Khas Root), Mentha Piperita (Peppermint Essential Oil).